Best Dad Ever!

Best Dad Ever! is a project that encourages father involvement. During 10 sessions, the fathers / future fathers, together with their partners and children, learn through different modules how they can be more involved in the education of their children’. By learning the social and cultural norms that define the concept of masculinity and by learning and implementing educational techniques with their children, the fathers / future fathers learn with their partners how they can be more involved with the parenting of their child.

Best Dad Ever! stimulates:

• A good education,
• Father involvement,
• Supervision of the children,
• Guidance, love and attention from parents their children,
• Gender equality,
• Non-violent relationship between father and mother,
• Non-violent relationship between father and children,
• The well-being of an entire family.

The target group includes families of fathers / future fathers, mothers / future mothers and their children. However, it must be mentioned that the focus is on the fathers / future fathers. The mothers / future mothers and their children will participate in some sessions together with the fathers / future fathers. The age of the fathers / future fathers and mothers / future mothers must be from 19 to 45 years.

What does Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba offer?

• Train the trainers of Best dad Ever!,
• Ten hours,
• Facilitators guide,
• Workbook for the fathers.

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Oranjestad, Aruba
