Psychologists, pediatricians, social workers, teachers, mentors, coaches, leaders are some of the professionals who come into contact with children and teens every day. In order to understand and help children properly, the right instructions are required. Here you will find information that is meant for professionals, like Information about lectures, workshops and/or projects that can be offered to the professionals in the form of train the trainers. You could also request a lecture, workshop and/or project for your students/pupils. The information obtained improves the learning and living environment in schools and makes the habitat of children/youngsters safer.
With talking you get far
Met praten kom je verder is a project that is based on successful negotiation training for adults at the Harvard Law School and the Young
This is your right!
According to the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, all children have the right to develop to their fullest potential.
Sport Gedragscode Wijzer
Fundacion Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba has been working since the beginning (April 1999) for the rights of the children and youngsters in Aruba and operates
Social Card
Social work guide, organizations and professional services – Youth & Family Services Aruba
School Bullying Prevention
The project Prevencion di termento na Scol was developed on the basis of empirical studies conducted by Dan Olweus, Ph.D.. Dan Olweus is a professor ..
Extra Subjects
At Telefon pa Hubentud we get a lot of questions from youngsters who call us about bullying. It is an issue that causes many problems worldwide.
Sexuality is a lecture that is in high demand at Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba. In collaboration with Child Helpline International we work to make this subject as complete as possible. By following the trends worldwide and in the region, we can work in a better preventive way.
Best Dad Ever!
In recent years there has been a revolution in the communication world and in the field of social media. In general, communication among the youth and
Volgens artikel 2 van het Internationaal Verdrag inzake de Rechten van het Kind (Geen discriminatie) respecteren en waarborgen de Staten die partij zijn bij dit Verdrag de in het Verdrag beschreven rechten voor ieder kind onder hun rechtsmacht, zonder enige vorm van discriminatie, ongeacht ras, huidskleur, geslacht, taal, godsdienst, politieke of andere overtuiging, nationale, etnische of sociale afkomst, vermogen, handicap, geboorte of andere omstandigheid van het kind of zijn of haar ouder of wettelijke voogd. Aruba heeft dit Convenant ook geratificeerd, wat betekent dat het ook op Aruba zal worden gerespecteerd en gewaarborgd.

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Oranjestad, Aruba