Best Dad Ever!

A qualitative good education is important for the creation of a vital citizen. Unfortunately, children are not born with a manual in which the parents can how they should be raised. In addition to parents, organizations must assume responsibility and help parents with education of their children. Therefore Fundacion Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba has developed the program Best Dad Ever!.

Best Dad Ever! is a program that tries to stimulate father involvement with the education and care of their children. During ten sessions, the fathers / future fathers are made aware through various modules, together with their partners and children, how they can be more involved with the upbringing and care of their children. Through social and cultural definitions that define the concept of masculinity, and by learning and implementing techniques of education and care in the education and care of their children, light is shed on this very important subject. At the end of each session the fathers receive assignments that they have to do at home.

Each session has its own theme and purpose. Pregnancy, Birth, Famiy Planning, Care, Gender, Domestic Violence, Needs and Rights of the child and division of tasks are some of the themes that are discussed.

The ultimate goal of Best Dad Ever! is to bring about a change in the way of thinking of (future) fathers concerning father involvement in education and care of their children.

To participate in the program Best Dad Ever!, fathers can contact Fundacion Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba.

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