
Communication with parents is a subject that has become very popular at Fundacion Telefon Pa Hubentud Aruba. Both in 2015 and 2016 communication with parents was the number one reason for contact with Fundacion Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba. The way of communication is important for a healthy relationship between children and / or youngster with their parents. During Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba lectures, we discuss how a child / youngster can improve communication with his/her parents. The importance of good communication between parent and child is very important for various reasons. Of course it is nice to have a listening ear at home. It is also good to talk to your parents about your feelings. As a youngster, you will talk easier about something negative with your parents, when you can also talk about positive things

• The children / youngsters were looking for advice on how to communicate better with their parents,
• Mutual trust arises between children and parents who communicate well with each other,
• Good communication creates a healthy relationship and the children talk easier about their problems with their parents.

The time during the day you choose to talk with your parents can have a big influence on the conversation. If your parents are just home after a long day of work, it may not be the best time to start a long story about a friend in the classroom. When you are in the car it is difficult to make eye contact with your parents which can make the conversation go wrong. Unfortunately, many of the good moments for a conversation have been reduced in many households. In the past, the moment everyone sat together at the dinner table was an ideal moment. Even when the family sat together in the living room to watch TV was a moment where a conversation could take place. Nowadays we have to choose other moments to start a conversation.
Maybe it seems like no one in your class or at home can help you… You sometimes feel alone and forgotten…. But never forget that if you talk about the problem, there will always be someone who can, and wants to help. Do not give up by staying quiet. Change the situation by talking about it with adults, or other children who can support you. Also, never forget that you are not weird or stupid or annoying, it is the one who is bullying who has a problem in his or her heart and thoughts. In many cases, the one who is considered the bully has been bullied themselves.

At Fundacion Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba we strive to bring an end to bullying, and to HELP YOU.

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