This is your right
According to the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, all children have the right to develop to their fullest potential. When a child / youngster learns that he / she has rights, he / she also learns that another person also has rights and will also respect them. He / she learns that his right stops where someone else’s starts. If he / she learns nothing about his rights, he / she thinks that they are individual rights and has a problem to recognize and respect those of others.
This means that a child has to learn about human rights and children’s rights. By learning human rights and children’s rights, a vital citizen is developed. With the Esaki ta bo derecho project, children learn playfully about children’s rights. Esaki ta bo derecho is a project that can be given to children aged 5 to 9 years.
What does Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba offer?
• Train the trainers of Esaki ta bo derecho,
• Ten hours,
• Facilitators guide,
• Workbook for the students.

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Oranjestad, Aruba