Sport Gedragscode Wijzer

Fundacion Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba has been working since the beginning (April 1999) for the rights of the children and youngsters in Aruba and operates based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child. For that reason, Fundacion Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba wants children and youngsters in Aruba to be able to practice sport in a safe manner. In order to be able to tackle deviant behavior in and / or around the area where sport is practiced, Fundacion Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba has drawn up Sport Gedragscode Wijzer.

The aim of Sport Gedragscode Wijzer is to create a safe sports’ climate in and / or around the sports field. Values and norms, fun, respect, honesty, commitment and sportsmanship are the guiding principles and touchstone for the content of Sport Gedragscode Wijzer.

To ensure that in and / or around the sports field is and remains safe, and that children and youngsters can practice sport safely and thus develop their talents, the use of deviant behavior on and / or around the sports field must be combated. By means of Sport Gedragscode Wijzer we try to combat the application of deviant behavior. All actors such as; board members, trainers / coach, supervisors, athletes, volunteers, parents / guardians, referees and spectators are informed of their rights, duties and responsibilities by means of Sport Gedragscode Wijzer. All actors have an important responsibility and exemplary role in the promotion and monitoring of Sport Gedragscode Wijzer.

What does Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba offer?

  • Information sessions for the sport organization,
  • Ten hours,
  • Code of conduct guide for the organization.

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For more information about workshops or information you can contact Telefon Pa Hubentud during office hours

Oranjestad, Aruba
